Simple Pulse Counter Module Example

This example shows how to setup pulse counter module, read timer and pulse counter values. You can find the complete example in the “..\Program Files\Diolan\DLN\examples\c_cpp\examples\ simple” folder after DLN setup package installation.

#include "..\..\..\common\dln_generic.h"
#include "..\..\..\common\dln_pls_cnt.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\bin\\dln.lib")

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	// Open device
	HDLN device;

	// Set Free Run mode
	DlnPlsCntSetMode(device, 0, DLN_PLS_CNT_MODE_FREE_RUN, 0);
	// Enable counter
	uint16_t conflict;
	DlnPlsCntEnable(device, 0, &conflict);

	// Do some delay
	for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++);

	// Read counter values
	uint32_t timerValue, counterValue;
	DlnPlsCntGetValue(device, 0, &timerValue, &counterValue);
	printf("Timer Value = %u, Counter Value = %u\n", timerValue, counterValue);

	// Close device
	return 0;

  • Line 1:#include "..\..\..\common\dln_generic.h"

    The dln_generic..h header file declares functions and data structures for the generic interface. In current example this header is used to call DlnOpenUsbDevice() and DlnCloseHandle() functions.

  • Line 2:#include "..\..\..\common\dln_pls_cnt.h"

    The dln_pwm.h header file declares functions and data structures for the PWM interface. In current example this header is used to call DlnPlsCntSetMode(), DlnPlsCntEnable(), DlnPlsCntGetValue() functions.

  • Line 3:#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\bin\\dln.lib")

    Use dln.lib library while project linking.

  • Line 10:DlnOpenUsbDevice(&device);

    The function establishes the connection with the DLN adapter. This application uses the USB connectivity of the adapter. For additional options, refer to the Device Opening & Identification section.

  • Line 13:DlnPlsCntSetMode(device, 0, DLN_PLS_CNT_MODE_FREE_RUN, 0);

    The function sets pulse counter mode to “Free run mode”. You can read more about pulse counter modes at Pulse Counter Modes section.

  • Line 16:DlnPlsCntEnable(device, 0, &conflict);

    The function enables pulse counter module.

  • Line 19:for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++);

    Performing delay for more continuous mode of counter.

  • Line 23:DlnPlsCntGetValue(device, 0, &timerValue, &counterValue);

    The function retrieves timer and pulse counter values.

  • Line 24:printf("Timer Value = %u, Counter Value = %u\n", timerValue, counterValue);

    Printing retrieved timer and pulse counter values to console.

  • Line 27:DlnCloseHandle(device);

    The application closes handle to the DLN adapter.

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