Welcome to the DLN development community!

DLN-series adapters provide an easy way to connect a variety of sensors and hardware devices to a personal computer. With a wide range of ready-to-use software and open source examples you will quickly become familiar with these adapters and achieve all your goals. At dlnware.com web site you can find all the necessary documentation about DLN-series USB to I2C, SPI and GPIO adapters and communicate with other developers from the community.

Main reasons to use DLN-series adapters:

  • Hundreds of ready to use programs and open source examples for getting you up and running with your new hardware.
  • Huge development community including scientists, hardware and software engineers from different companies and educational institutions.
  • These adapters have different form factors functionality and price ranges, but they all use the same software application programming interface and are easily interchangeable.
  • The System-on-Chip (SoC) solution is available. You can purchase the preprogrammed microcontrollers and embed them directly into your hardware.
  • Asynchronous and even-driven interfaces to increase data flow performance and reduce resource consuming.

Recently updated articles:

Configurable SPI Delays

Sometimes slave devices need additional time to process data. In order to provide this time DLN-series adapters can insert delays at different data transmission stages. Those are delay between frames, delay after slave selection and delay between slave selection. All of the delays are set in nanoseconds and have to be adjusted only once. After configuring the delays are applied to all the SS lines.

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I2C Byte Transfer

Let’s examine the waveform of transaction where I2C Master transmits one byte of data to the I2C Slave device.

I2C transfer

As we saw in the previous section, the data on the SDA line can be changed when the clock signal on the SCL line is LOW. Exceptions for this rule are START and STOP conditions.  There is also a repeated START (Sr) condition, but it will be discussed later.

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I2C Bus

I2C is a two-wired serial bus developed by Philips (now NXP) in the early '80s. Currently, the I2C bus is widely used for interconnection of single-chip microcontrollers, memory chips (EEPROM), analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, pressure and temperature sensors as well as a variety of other peripheral devices.

I2C bus specification describes four operating speed categories for bidirectional data transfer:

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