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Digital Inputs

You can configure most of the DLN-series adapter pins as general-purpose digital inputs. Call the DlnGpioPinSetDirection() function and pass 0 for the direction parameter to configure the GPIO pin as a digital input. You can call this function either before or after the pin is assigned to the GPIO module by using the DlnGpioPinEnable() function.

You can check a pin direction by using the DlnGpioPinGetDirection() function.

The default pin direction is set to input (value 0).

To check the value on the pin, use the DlnGpioPinGetVal() function.

For digital inputs, you can use the following features:

Use the following GPIO Interface functions to control and monitor input pins:


Configures a pin as a digital input. Pass 0 for the direction parameter.


Retrieves the value on the I/O line.

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