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SPI Slave Reply Buffer

When the master initiates transmission, the DLN adapter-slave fills the reply buffer with data that should be sent to the master. To fill the reply buffer, you can use the following functions: DlnSpiSlaveLoadReply() or DlnSpiSlaveEnqueueReply(). The DlnSpiSlaveLoadReply() function clears the buffer and makes the current reply the first in the queue. In contrast, the DlnSpiSlaveEnqueueReply() function puts the current reply to the end of the queue.

Transmitted data is limited to the number of frames received by the master. The sizes of slave buffer (reply buffer) and master buffer (received buffer) may differ.

If the reply buffer size exceeds the received buffer size, the last bytes of the reply buffer can be lost or sent with the following transmission. It depends on the reply mode you configure. For more information, read Reply Modes.

If the reply buffer size is less than the received buffer size, the last bytes can be filled by zeroes or by repeated reply bytes. It depends on the shortage action you configure. For details, read Reply Shortage Actions.

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