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Configuring the SPI Master Interface

For reliable SPI communication, you have to configure the SPI master interface according to the SPI slave requirements:

  1. Configure the clock (SCK) signal, using a frequency, which does not exceed the maximum frequency that the slave device supports. For details, read Clock Frequency.

  2. Configure the transmission mode (clock polarity and clock phase). The clock polarity (CPOL) and clock phase (CPHA) configuration must be the same for both SPI master and SPI slave devices. For details, read Clock Phase and Polarity.

  3. Configure the frame size. The frame size instructs the DLN adapter how to treat data inside the buffer. The data can be treated as 8-16 bit integers. If the configured frame size exceeds 8 bits, the bytes inside the frame are stored in Little Endian format. For details, read SPI Data Frames.

  4. Customize releasing the SS line between frames. Some slave devices require the signal in the SS line going LOW to initiate data transmission. When the frame transmission is complete, the master should pull the SS line HIGH and then LOW again to reinitiate the frame transmission with the same slave. This parameter is optional. For details, read SS Line Release Between Frames.

  5. If a slave device needs additional time to process or generate data, configure delays. For details, read SPI Delays.

DLN-1 and DLN-2 adapters do not allow changing the SPI configuration after the SPI master port is enabled. Therefore, if you use any of these adapters, first configure the SPI master port and then enable it.

To start communication, you need to select the slave. Dropping the signal on an SS line initiates data transmission between the master and the appropriate slave device. The Connecting Multiple Slave Devices section describes possible configurations. You can select a slave device before or after enabling the SPI master port.

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