The DlnSpiMasterReadEx() function receives data via SPI bus. The received data is an array of 1-byte elements. In this function you can use additional attributes to configure the SS line state after data transmission.
DLN_RESULT DlnSpiMasterReadEx( HDLN handle, uint8_t port, uint16_t size, uint8_t *readBuffer, uint8_t attribute );
A handle to the DLN-series adapter.
A number of the SPI master port.
The size of the message buffer. This parameter is specified in bytes. The maximum value is 256 bytes.
A pointer to an array of unsigned 8-bit integers that receives data from slave during the function execution.
Additional transmission attribute.
DLN_SPI_MASTER_ATTR_LEAVE_SS_LOW - Leave SS low after transmission.
DLN_SPI_MASTER_ATTR_RELEASE_SS - Release SS after transmission.
The function successfully received data.
The port number is not valid. Use the DlnSpiMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.
The SPI master port is disabled. Use the DlnSpiMasterEnable() function to activate the SPI master port.
The DlnSpiMasterReadEx() function is defined in the dln_spi_master.h file.